Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tackle Theft is Proving a Big Problem Amongst Anglers

THE theft of fishing tackle has always been a problem, but these days it seems to be escalating according to reports in the angling press. 
Just how people can store fishing tackle worth thousands of pounds in a flimsy garden shed with just a cheap lock is beyond me but it does happen regularly.

The outcome is that the gear is stolen and disposed of usually on the internet or more likely in a car boot sale at a fraction of its true value. 

I, too, have suffered over the years and I cannot remember the number of times that either the lock or the door has been smashed.

Only last year I had the roof replaced with corrugated steel, after twice having pieces of the old roof ripped off. 

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There was an incident some 15 years ago when after a match, my travelling companion's van was broken into and the thieves cleared him out completely, the only thing left behind was one wellington boot. 

That day I was concerned that I had been targeted for we had been fishing in a match and I was using a new £750 pole for the first time. 

There had been quite a lot of people wandering around the lake with more than a few asking questions and showing interest in my new piece of kit. 

Looking back, I am convinced that we were followed back to the club in York where the payout was taking place and in the half hour that we were inside, the opportunity was seized. 

That little lot cost me over £4,000 for my insurance did not cover theft from someone else's vehicle – it does now! 

The latest report of a major tackle theft comes from a Peterborough angler who had tackle valued at £14,000 taken from his garage after a recent fishing trip .

Like me he is convinced that he was followed home by the thieves and believes that the solution is to ban all non-anglers from the banksides.

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