Monday, August 30, 2010

Funding announced for fishing projects

DESPITE constant talk of government cuts, funding is to be made  available to fishermen and fishing companies in England  who want to improve their businesses, it has been announced.

The Marine Management Organisation - or MMO - says that the Fisheries Challenge Fund, which it oversees, can offer financial support to fishermen and other interested parties who want to look into improvements in the fishing industry.

Applications must be made by September  24th, 2010 and proposed research should: support the development of sustainable fisheries  and explore a fisheries management issue that is relevant to the UK fishing industry.

Applications can include all types of research and analysis, and do not need to be limited to biological, social and economic studies. About £70,000 is available to fund successful projects. Priority will be given to applications supporting regional advisory councils’ work, and those projects that will be complete before March 2011. The MMO says it has about  £70,000 available for successful projects and priority will be given to quality projects that meet the broad criteria outlined below. Proposals should be consistent with our, Defra's and the Common Fisheries Policy objective of sustainable fisheries and address a fisheries management issue that is relevant to part of the UK fishing industry.

Proposals can include all types of research and analysis, and will not be limited to biological, social and economic studies;
The purpose of the Fisheries Challenge Fund is to help improve fisheries management and help fishermen and other members of the industry become involved in that process. Inquiries should be sent

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