Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Legendary Mirror Carp "Two Tone" Dies Aged 45

A huge carp admired by generations of anglers has died at 45 years old.
The 68lb mirror carp, Britain's biggest freshwater fish, was found floating on his lake and is believed to have succumbed to old age.
He was notoriously hard to catch and landed only once or twice a year. Some anglers spent up to 15 years trying to land him without success.
Known as Two Tone because of his colour, the carp will be buried beside Conningbrook Lake, Chilham, Kent. A plaque will mark the spot.
Chris Logsdon, 62, owner of Mid Kent Fisheries, said: "Two Tone was the pinnacle of the angling world.
"Any carp angler worth their salt wanted to catch him and most failed. He was wily in his old age and only the best could. People have spent their lives on that lake trying to catch him and he has probably broken up one or two marriages."
Chris said a fisherman spotted Two Tone in distress last Thursday. He went on: "We went to look for him but couldn't find him. Then on Saturday morning he turned up floating on the surface. I think it was just old age."
The mirror carp, became Britain's biggest native freshwater fish in 2001 when he weighed in at a record 59lbs 12ozs. He kept gaining until he hit 67lbs 14ozs in 2008.
Lee Jackson even wrote a book called Just for the Record; My Quest for Two Tone, based on his six year pursuit of the fish.
Lee, 53, said: "I spent about 50 hours a week trying to catch him before I did."
One of the many tributes left on message boards read yesterday: "A truly great fish that made dreams come true for those lucky enough to have him grace their net."

Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/08/17/british-record-68lb-monster-catch-dies-aged-45-115875-22492811/#ixzz0wsS1oFzQ

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